Monday, January 4, 2010

The Slim Goodie in motion!

I'm a pretty active guy, so I figured yall would like to see some shots of me in motion! My foster mama has taken a few videos of me playing with my buddies!

Check this one out: here I am playing fetch in my yard full of friends. See how nice I sit?? The real big guy is my neighbor-dog, Bazil the Saint Bernard. Then the smaller Saint Bernard is my girlfriend, Chalmette. You can also see my other foster sisters, Miss B the Great Dane and Pauline the pit bull. That little black dog is Penny. She needs a home, too.

But as you can see, I'm the center of attention. See the retrieving skills? The obedience? How could you not want me?!?

Here's one more video for you. This one is of me and Chalmette playing tug o' war! Isn't Chally beautiful? Tall and leggy. But I'm dark and handsome, so we look good together!


  1. Awesome videos Kelly! I really pray Slim finds a forever home soon, he's such an excellent guy.

  2. Thanks Earle :) Slim is doing great over here, but I want to get him into a forever home and find the stability he needs. I need to get some videos of Slim being brilliant -- he really is the genius dog!
