Friday, January 1, 2010

Beginning the Slim Story

Hi, my name is Slim.

It's a new year, and I'm hoping for a new home -- a forever home.

My name is Slim, and I'm hoping to find my fourth home in 2010.

You might be wondering how a handsome, healthy young guy like me has been through so many homes. Well, honestly, so am I. Here's my story.

HOME 1: These folks abandoned me and my buddy, Mia, in the Lower 9th Ward. That was back in August, 2009. Some nice folks found us. They said they were with "Miss Dezzie," a "rescuer" in the downtown area. They took us home.

HOME 2: The "Dezzie" folks took us home for a few days. Mia and I had to stay outside, but still, we had food and attention. We were so happy, and we played, played, played. Then these "Dezzie" people called Dogs of the 9th Ward. They explained that we were from the 9th Ward, and said that they couldn't keep us. Dogs of the 9th Ward (they call themselves "D9") said that they couldn't take us either. Oh no! Homeless again??

FOSTER HOME 1: But D9 agreed to take us temporarily, just for a week or so until Miss Dezzie could find another home for us. Well, we never heard from Miss Dezzie again. So me and Mia ended up boarding at D9's vet for almost a month. After all, we were so sweet and cute, D9 couldn't give us up!

D9 couldn't find me a foster. Some said I was "too large." I am about 65 pounds, but it's all muscle -- I'm an athletic guy! Others said I was "too energetic." Well, I guess I do have some energy. At the time, I was barely 1 year old, and I'm a retriever! Please, I thought: won't someone play fetch with me?

I'm glad my friend Mia found a home. Mia is a one-year-old 35-pound lab mix. She is in a loving home in Metairie, Louisiana. I do miss her, though. I haven't seen her in a long time, and we were good friends.

Anyway, no one would foster me, so eventually, I came home with D9 founder/director, Kelly. She lives in the Florida Area of the 9th Ward, not that far from where I came from. I got lots of play time, lots of attention, and lots of love. But I still didn't get lots of one-on-one attention. My foster mom had 4 dogs of her own, plus two other fosters! Wow! Although it was crowded, we had such a good time playing!

While I was with my foster mom, I learned some things like how to sit and stay and walk on a leash. It was amazing. I sort of thought I'd found my home.

HOME 3: But then, I was whisked off to Memphis, Tennessee! Well, I'm a country kind of guy, so I figured Tennessee would be perfect for me. I loved my family. I had a 4-year-old boy who was my best friend. And I had a golden retriever buddy to play with. With a big house and yard, I figured I'd landed in Heaven.

Unfortunately, my family was expecting a baby, and they decided that I was "too playful" with my golden buddy, and after 2 months, I found myself back at my foster home.

WHAT?? I asked..... Where am I?? To be honest, I was very sad. I watched at the gate for days, hoping my family would come back. Each time a car pulled up, I ran and jumped and tried to get out.

But they never came back.

FOSTER HOME 2: Now I'm back in my same foster home. My foster mom gives me lots of attention. And I have a lot of foster friends: I love everyone! I am living with five other dogs currently: My mom has 4 other dogs: a Saint Bernard, a Great Dane, a pit bull, and a little 10-week-old Mastiff puppy. They're all great! I especially love the Saint (my girlfriend), and I'm also gentle with the puppy. My foster mom told me I had to be. I also have a foster-sister, Penny, who is a corgi mix. She's been looking for a home for three months now herself. I also live with a kitten. I like him a lot. I am learning to be gentle with him and not scare him. I don't mean to -- he's just so fun!

I'm hoping to find my forever home soon. This has been a rough few months, but I'm still happy and looking up! If you're interested in meeting me, please contact my foster mom at

My foster mom wants you to know: I'm neutered, fully vaccinated, heart worm negative, dewormed, and microchipped.

Me, in my foster mom's back yard just today!

1 comment:

  1. What a sad, but awesome story. I unfortuntately can not offer a home because I have 23 chickens.But I want to wish Slim well wishes in finding his forever home.
