Sunday, January 3, 2010

I could have been free!

This morning, my foster sisters and I almost had an adventure. We were running, wrestling, and playing. And we all ran into the gate -- which my mom just put up the other day. Turned out she didn't quite screw the catch in well enough. It fell off!


My three foster sisters and I stopped and stared. What happened?, we all wondered. Mama called us all back, and I came. Here I come, Mama!

My forth foster sister, Penny, didn't come.

Penny is another foster like me. She's looking for a home. She's a smaller girl, a little corgi mix. She's pretty fun. But she doesn't listen all that well, honestly. She ran out the gate! On no!

So Mama put us all inside and then went and chased Penny. Thankfully she got her back within a few blocks. Then we all had to stay inside while Mama fixed the two gates -- she reinforced them and now we're stuck! Oh well.

Mama and her friend Emily spent the rest of the day building more panels to keep us all out from under the house. Mama even crawled under the house and fixed some steps. Crazy girl.

We also played a lot of fetch. I love fetch!

Then I came back inside. I was pretty good, but I did try to chase the cat, Archie. I really love Archie, I just can't understand why he wouldn't want to play with me.

Now we're all settled in. Mama starts classes tomorrow -- she's in law school, whatever that means -- so we need to get to sleep. So I'm settling back into my crate. Oh well. One day I'll have my own home to cuddle up in at night.

I do have to say that Mama Kelly cooked potatoes and ground beef tonight. Not bad at all!

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