Saturday, January 2, 2010

a day in the life of Slim

Well, here we are in Day 2 of my new blog, and it was a pretty fun day in my foster home. For anyone who may have missed my first post yesterday, I am a flat-coated retriever mix who is back in foster care after a false start -- my family decided I was "too much dog" for them. But I should be happy to have a full belly and a roof over my head, right?

Okay, my foster home isn't that bad, really.

So, I wake up this morning, and I'm in my crate. I go into my crate very well, but I hate it. So as soon as I heard my foster brothers and sisters stirring, I started wining. Eventually, my foster mom got up -- hurray! Time to go out side.

I went out with my four foster sisters and my little bitty foster brother. I live with five other dogs right now. Four of them already have their forever home -- they live with my foster mom. They are: Chalmette, a really pretty Saint Bernard mix girl who I think is charming! She's about 2.5 years old; and Miss B, a Great Dane girl just about my age.... I love her, although I'm not sure she loves me; and then there's Pauline, she's always fun! She is a pit bull and she loves to play with me. My foster mom also has a tiny baby Mastiff boy. He's only 10 weeks old, and I'm trying to learn to be gentle with him. He's really cute!

I also have a foster sister who is looking for a home. Penny is a little corgi mix girl. She's pretty fun -- she's playful and young like me. Penny only weighs about 30 pounds, but she packs a mighty punch in that little body!

So, we all went out and played. It was pretty fun. Eventually, though, foster mom called us in for breakfast.

I have to go into my crate to eat. But that's fine, because the eating is good around here! I eat Merrick food -- my foster mom says that's "super premium," whatever that means. I don't know, but it's pretty good -- our flavor right now is "turduckhen" but we've had "trout feast" too! But even better: mom always cooks us up a bit of extra stuff. This morning we had chicken thighs and rice with broth. A little bit of that on top of our food is pretty tasty. Mom also gives me fish oil in my food every morning, and "Missing Link" supplement, which has good stuff for my joints. I don't know what all that means -- but I know it's really tasty. I'm all about meal time.

So, after we ate and foster mom took a shower, we had to wait at home while mom ran a few errands. I had to stay in my crate. Oh well -- it wasn't bad. She was back soon and we all went outside and hung out for most of the day. Now that's a good Slim day! Foster mom was working on building panels to block the bottom of the house. Me and my foster buddies love to go under the house -- but our house had 6 feet of water in Katrina, and we have a lot of sharp, dangerous stuff under there. Actually, my foster sister Miss B cut her foot today. So Mom and her friend Emily fixed it up to keep us safe.

Kind of boring.

Emily's dogs Bazil a Saint Bernard boy and Chunk a blind Mastiff came out. I like them both.

After the whole day of running in the yard, we came inside. And then it was time for dinner! I love dinner. We had our Turduckhen food with ground beef and potatoes. That was pretty good. In fact, it was really good.

Now I'm in my crate, waiting, and hoping I get some more play time tonight. I'll probably get to go out for a little while later. I guess I'm lucky.

But I just really want a home of my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Slim! It was so good to get to know you during my visit. You're really a nice dog--energetic, but able to settle down, too! I loved how you watched us building the gate.

    I'm sure the right person will come along and appreciate you like you deserve.

    Good boy, Slim!
